Morven offshore wind project is a proposed wind farm off the coast of Aberdeen in the North Sea. The wind farm is being developed by Morven Offshore Wind Limited, a joint venture between bp and Energie Baden-Württemberg AG (EnBW).
The project requires both onshore and offshore elements to generate electricity and transmit it to the national grid. The infrastructure consists of:
Morven wind farm array: which is entirely in Scottish waters and consists of turbines and supporting foundations, inter-array cabling and offshore substation platforms. Find out more about the array.
Morven Hawthorn Pit grid connection: which includes underwater offshore cables, underground onshore cables and a land substation. Find out more about the Hawthorn Pit grid connection.
Contact us
Contact us
You can contact the Morven team by:
Emailing: info@morvenoffshorewind.com
Writing to us: Freepost MORVEN
Calling us: 0800 669 6110
Please note this is a voicemail service, which is monitored regularly. Please leave your name, number and your question and a member of the team will get back to you.