Morven Hawthorn Pit grid connection
The Morven Hawthorn Pit grid connection consists of onshore and offshore infrastructure associated with the transmission of electricity generated by the wind farm array to the national grid. It consists of underwater offshore and underground onshore electricity cables and a land substation.
The Secretary of State for the Department of Energy Security and Net Zero (DESNZ) has directed that the offshore and onshore elements of the Morven Hawthorn Pit grid connection that are within England should be consented via a Development Consent Order (DCO) under the Planning Act 2008.
For the section of the Morven Hawthorn Pit grid connection within Scottish waters, we will apply to the Scottish Government’s Marine Directorate for a Marine Licence under the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009.
Information hub - Offshore and onshore infrastructure in England
Documents relating to Environmental Impact Assessment, consultation and planning processes for the Morven Hawthorn Pit grid connection offshore and onshore infrastructure in England will be added here as the project progresses.
2024 non-statutory consultation
We held a non-statutory consultation between 9 July and 3 September 2024. The consultation brochure and virtual exhibition can be accessed below:
2024 non-statutory consultation brochure
2024 non-statutory consultation virtual exhibition
Information hub - Offshore infrastructure in Scotland
Documents relating to Environmental Impact Assessment and planning processes for the Morven Hawthorn Pit grid connection offshore infrastructure in Scottish waters will be added here as the project progresses.
Environmental Impact Assessment Scoping